Tara Henderson, REALTOR®    
The Williams Real Estate Company    


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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Don't Worry...The Market Will Come Back!

In the last 30 years, although sales of existing homes have gone up and down like a Roller Coaster, prices have increased at a steady pace.

US Median Home Prices 1965-2009

Below is an explanation of when & why prices went up..and then went down....and up again.

1979 - 1982: In October, 1979, Fed Chairman, Paul Volcker, restricted the growth of the money supply, which in turn, caused interest rates to skyrocket.

Interest rates rose from 12.5% (Sept. 1979) to the peak of 17.48% in 1982!

Inflation plagued the economy and unemployment rose from 5.9% in 1979 to 10.8% in December 1982, which put the U.S. in a deep recession. EXISTING HOME SALES DROP 61%!

1982 - 1987: Congress stepped in and deregulated Savings & Loans. This gave them the power to invest directly in service corporations, make real estate loans without regard to the geographical location of the loan, and authorized them to hold up to 40 percent of their assets as commercial real estate loans. REAL ESTATE BOOMS!!!

1988 - 1992: The Savings & Loan Crisis HITS. 747 S&Ls in the United States FAIL. REMEMBER THE "KEATING FIVE"?

President Bush Sr. enacts the S&L Bailout Plan. SOUND FAMILIAR?

The ultimate cost of the S&L crisis is estimated to have totaled around $160.1 billion, about $124.6 billion of which was directly paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. SOUND FAMILIAR?

The accompanying slowdown in the Finance Industry and the Real Estate Market may have been a contributing cause of the 1990-1991 economic recession. EXISTING HOME SALES DROP 25%!

1993 - 2000: Interest rates drop, fluctuating from 8.12% in 1993 to 8.32% in 2002. EXISTING HOME SALES ARE ON THE RISE AND PRICES INCREASE AT A STEADY RATE

CAN YOU SAY .COM? Tech Stock becomes KING. Companies see their stock price shoot up when they add .com after their name. Life is GOOD....for a while anyway.

The dot-com bubble burst on March 10, 2000. The crash wiped out $5 trillion in market value of technology companies from March 2000 to October 2000.

2001 - 2007: Enter Alan Greenspan. In an effort to bring us out of a recession after the .com BUST and 9/11, Greenspan dramatically eases credit.

Baby Boomers decide that the stock market won't provide them with sufficient assets to retire. They take advantage of real estate markets and low down payments to speculate in residential real estate.

Investors step in, buy up as much as possible and lie about owners occupying homes.

Buyers overbid because they thought they could FLIP the house and make a killing.

Lenders provide loans to Buyers who could not qualify. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET GOES CRAZY!


It seems that this market will last forever and we will all be rich!

2007 - 2009: Oops! The BUBBLE BURSTS. It had to end, right?



With the DRAMATIC increase in prices from 2001 - 2007, the Market HAD TO correct itself...DRAMATICALLY!

Home prices have rolled back to 2003 levels and as you can see by the chart below, interest rates are still at record lows.

Median Sales Price vs. 30 yr Interest Rate

10 Reasons To Buy a Home Enough with the doom and gloom about homeownership.

Brett Arends explains why owning a home is a good thing.

Enough with the doom and gloom about homeownership.

Sure, maybe there's more pain to come in the housing market. But when Time magazine starts running covers that declare "Owning a home may no longer make economic sense," it's time to say:

Enough is enough.

This is what "capitulation" looks like. Everyone has given up.

After all, at the peak of the bubble five years ago, Time had a different take. "Home Sweet Home," declared its cover then, as it celebrated the boom and asked: "Will your house make you rich?"

But it's not enough just to be contrarian. So here are 10 reasons why it's good to buy a home.

1. You can get a good deal. Especially if you play hardball. This is a buyer's market. Most of the other buyers have now vanished, as the tax credits on purchases have just expired. We're four to five years into the biggest housing bust in modern history. And prices have come down a long way– about 30% from their peak, according to Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller Index, which tracks home prices in 20 big cities. Yes, it's mixed. New York is only down 20%. Arizona has halved. Will prices fall further? Sure, they could. You'll never catch the bottom. It doesn't really matter so much in the long haul.

Where is fair value? Fund manager Jeremy Grantham at GMO, who predicted the bust with remarkable accuracy, said two years ago that home prices needed to fall another 17% to reach fair value in relation to household incomes. Case-Shiller since then: Down 18%.

2. Mortgages are cheap. You can get a 30-year loan for around 4.3%. What's not to like? These are the lowest rates on record. As recently as two years ago they were about 6.3%. That drop slashes your monthly repayment by a fifth. If inflation picks up, you won't see these mortgage rates again in your lifetime. And if we get deflation, and rates fall further, you can refi.

3. You'll save on taxes. You can deduct the mortgage interest from your income taxes. You can deduct your real estate taxes. And you'll get a tax break on capital gains–if any–when you sell. Sure, you'll need to do your math. You'll only get the income tax break if you itemize your deductions, and many people may be better off taking the standard deduction instead. The breaks are more valuable the more you earn, and the bigger your mortgage. But many people will find that these tax breaks mean owning costs them less, often a lot less, than renting.

4. It'll be yours. You can have the kitchen and bathrooms you want. You can move the walls, build an extension–zoning permitted–or paint everything bright orange. Few landlords are so indulgent; for renters, these types of changes are often impossible. You'll feel better about your own place if you own it than if you rent. Many years ago, when I was working for a political campaign in England, I toured a working-class northern town. Mrs. Thatcher had just begun selling off public housing to the tenants. "You can tell the ones that have been bought," said my local guide. "They've painted the front door. It's the first thing people do when they buy." It was a small sign that said something big.

5. You'll get a better home. In many parts of the country it can be really hard to find a good rental. All the best places are sold as condos. Money talks. Once again, this is a case by case issue: In Miami right now there are so many vacant luxury condos that owners will rent them out for a fraction of the cost of owning. But few places are so favored. Generally speaking, if you want the best home in the best neighborhood, you're better off buying.

6. It offers some inflation protection. No, it's not perfect. But studies by Professor Karl "Chip" Case (of Case-Shiller), and others, suggest that over the long-term housing has tended to beat inflation by a couple of percentage points a year. That's valuable inflation insurance, especially if you're young and raising a family and thinking about the next 30 or 40 years. In the recent past, inflation-protected government bonds, or TIPS, offered an easier form of inflation insurance. But yields there have plummeted of late. That also makes homeownership look a little better by contrast.

7. It's risk capital. No, your home isn't the stock market and you shouldn't view it as the way to get rich. But if the economy does surprise us all and start booming, sooner or later real estate prices will head up again, too. One lesson from the last few years is that stocks are incredibly hard for most normal people to own in large quantities–for practical as well as psychological reasons. Equity in a home is another way of linking part of your portfolio to the long-term growth of the economy–if it happens–and still managing to sleep at night.

8. It's forced savings. If you can rent an apartment for $2,000 month instead of buying one for $2,400 a month, renting may make sense. But will you save that $400 for your future? A lot of people won't. Most, I dare say. Once again, you have to do your math, but the part of your mortgage payment that goes to principal repayment isn't a cost. You're just paying yourself by building equity. As a forced monthly saving, it's a good discipline.

9. There is a lot to choose from. There is a glut of homes in most of the country. The National Association of Realtors puts the current inventory at around 4 million homes. That's below last year's peak, but well above typical levels, and enough for about a year's worth of sales. More keeping coming onto the market, too, as the banks slowly unload their inventory of unsold properties. That means great choice, as well as great prices.

10. Sooner or later, the market will clear. Demand and supply will meet. The population is forecast to grow by more than 100 million people over the next 40 years. That means maybe 40 million new households looking for homes. Meanwhile, this housing glut will work itself out. Many of the homes will be bought. But many more will simply be destroyed–either deliberately, or by inaction. This is already happening. Even two years ago, when I toured the housing slump in western Florida, I saw bankrupt condo developments that were fast becoming derelict. And, finally, a lot of the "glut" simply won't matter: It's concentrated in a few areas, like Florida and Nevada. Unless you live there, the glut won't have any long-term impact on housing supply in your town.

Article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703376504575492023471133674.html

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How the Interest Rate affects the Price of a Home

That sounds like a simple question.

Of course a lower rate means a lower monthly payment.

But how much of a difference does that really make.

I’ve heard people overly-simplify the issue by saying that a 1% change in rate is roughly the same as a 10% change in price. Let’s look into this a little closer and see if it holds up.

We’ve all heard that interest rates today are at all-time lows. I think we take that for granted, so it helps to include this chart that goes back to 1975.

It shows a 36-year average of mortgage rates.

The BLUE LINE is 30 year fixed rates and since that is the most popular program, that is what we will focus on.

As you can see by the graph, mortgage rates in 2010 are truly lower than anything we have seen in our lifetimes.

Current average 30 year fixed mortgage rates are around 4.375%.

If you were to purchase a home with a $400,000 home loan, the monthly principal and interest payment at that rate would be $1,997.

Now let’s see how raising the rate to the 2000 average of 8.05% affects the payment. That’s not all that long ago.

The payment at same loan amount at the 2000 rate is $2,949.

We increased the rate by 3.675% and that resulted in a 48% increase in payment!

That seems worse than the 1% rate to 10% price ratio, but let’s look at it from a price perspective.

That increase in payment from $1,997 to $2,949 is the same as raising the loan amount from $400,000 to $590,646.

That is also a 48% increase in loan amount.

If the down payment is the same percentage for each example, then it also results in a 48% increase in sales price.

So for this example we discovered that a 3.675% increase in rate equals a 48% increase in price.

It also means a 1% increase in rate is equivalent to a 13% increase in sales price.

Don’t think I chose a year with an exceptionally high rate. I could have used 1981 where rates were 16.63%!

In fact, the average rate over the 36 years is 9%. I chose 2000 because it wasn’t that far back in history.

The lesson here is that we must recognize what an amazing opportunity we have to borrow money at this specific point in history.

Years from now we can look at an updated version of this graph and see the low point, and remember what a great deal we got in 2010.

Chris Mozilo NMLS# 183726; AZ LO-0912308; BKBR-0115591; CA-DOC 183726

Friday, October 8, 2010

Why Home Sales Dropped Dramatically in July from June

Why Home Sales Dropped Dramatically in July from June
Why Were We Surprised When Buyers Were Incentivized?

In the week of August 23, blasted throughout the news was existing home sales nationally dropped 27% in July from June.

This was reported as the biggest monthly percentage decline on record.

The Greater Phoenix residential market faired slightly better with a 24% decrease. A large percentage drop in July sales was expected for Greater Phoenix.

Why The Large Percentage Drop for Sales in July Was Expected

Why did sales drop in July?

Because the affect of the tax credit(s) were worn out!

Many buyers bought because of the two tax credits:

The first time homebuyer’s tax credit up to $8,000 and the move up buyer’s tax credit up to $6,500.

To qualify buyers had to be under contract by April 30, 2010 and close by June 30 (at the end of June the close of escrow date was extended to September 30).

The April 30 deadline led to a surge of buyers going under contract in March and April.

So, before you believe the Headlines in the News....look at the statistics...it's not all doom and gloom!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Phoenix Day Christmas

"Dear Davy…

You [Davy Yee, Realtor®, The Williams Real Estate Company] and Thuy [Designated Broker, The Williams Real Estate Company] and the rest of the good folks at The Williams Real Estate Company, were instrumental in the success of Phoenix Day’s 2009 Adopt-A- Family Program.

I took over the program in 2005, and at that time we were working with Make-a- Difference, which they are now known as HandsOn Greater Phoenix.

Their role was to get sponsors for the Adopt-a-Family Program and Phoenix Day would sign-up families in need that would benefit from being adopted for the holidays.

It was a wonderful collaboration and year after year we would have their support and many Phoenix Day and HealthLinks families benefited from this program.

Long story short, last year HandsOn told us they were unable to take on this project due to lack of staff and the demands of the project.

So what I turned to the Board Members for their assistance and support in helping me get sponsors for the 69 families that needed help. Needless to say, they were all very supportive and helped by adopting a family or recruiting their family, friends, co-workers to adopt a family.

But Davy, being the amazing person that you are, got your company [The Williams Real Estate Company] involved and hyped up this project!

Thanks to you and The Williams Real Estate Company’s support, 28 families had a wonderful Christmas!”

Bernice Medina
HealthLinks and Case Director
Phoenix Day


At Phoenix Day, we believe that every child, no matter what their socio-economic background, deserves the highest quality early education program. Early childhood education empowers the way children think, learn and behave for the rest of their lives. Established in 1915, Phoenix Day provides a safe, nurturing and diverse environment with age-appropriate curriculum that promotes a lifetime of learning. We welcome you to explore our website and learn more about Arizona's oldest early education and childcare center.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Always a good reminder...John Foltz 10 Steps to Success

STEP 1: Take Time to See the BIG PICTURE...What "Success" Means to You

STEP 2: Set Realistic Goals for THIS YEAR

STEP 3: Put Time for YOU on your Calendar

STEP 4: Look Inside Yourself for Your Greatest Asset

STEP 5: ADOPT A SYSTEM for Marketing

STEP 6: Make a List of your "Helpful Army"

STEP 7: Craft Messages of Value to THE CLIENT


STEP 9: Drop what isn't working and MOVE ON!

STEP 10: Celebrate EVERY Success.